Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Acid dye samples...

Spring/Summer is finally here... Perfect weather, highs in the mid-upper 70s. Ahh... But it makes indoor crafts a lot less appealing. I'm not a gardening type, but just cannot resist doing some planting. I spent some time preparing the beds this morning. The strawberry plants we planted last year are all over the place so I'm going to move them all to one bed. Then our play group is planting an herb garden for us. I have a tomato (sun gold) and a summer squash plant in already. Started some sunflower seeds in egg cartons (the hens will get them if I sow directly). We planted this little pot yesterday:

I got the Jacquard acid dye from dharmatrading last week and dyed up some samples this morning. Yellow Sun, Fushia, Turquoise as the primaries. Then I just squirted adjacent primaries together to get the secondary colors. I love the intensity and the brightness of the colors.

Here's another set: Golden Orche, Scarlet and Navy Blue. I'm not too sure about the navy, its really more like an ink blue. But I love the golden orche, the orange (golden orche and scarlet) and the scarlet.

Here's a picture of the brown and jet black. I added a little more scarlet and more fushia to parts of the brown to see how it would look.
l'm not sure I've found the brown I'm looking for yet.

So DH bought his little white prius last friday. I posted on craigslist to sell his car and it sold yesterday. Nice and sweet. I was just thinking the other day while dh was still deciding on colors that there is really a lack of real colored cars on the road. I also have a white car, but its due to the lack of nice color choices offered by the manufacturer. Why are there so few real (not the metallic dulled down versions) of yellows, red, blues, purples, greens? I mean you see a few of them here and there but definitely not a lot. Wouldn't it be something to have bright strong colors? Colors of the rainbow? I think it would be make winter time a lot less dreary and the springs and summers even brighter. Imagine going out to the parking lot and seeing colors. I was listening to NPR and heard a little segment discussing this very issue. Somehow the cars in NY are mostly black and the ones in Los Angeles (and greater CA) mostly whites, beiges, silver, (non colors that just blend into the environment). Anyhow, enough huffing and puffing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What dyeing fun! I haven't really done very much dyeing (except for the occasional kool-aid batch here and there)....but you are really tempting me!

I was reading through your questionnaire in the previous post and it said that you have some food sensitivities. As part of the tea swap, we are supposed to send a little something to be enjoyed with the tea. Could you drop me an e-mail and let me know what you can or cannot eat? I want to make sure to send you something that will work!

Also, is your family all organic all the time or are you willing to have the occasional non-organic treat? I live in another country and we have something fun here that I think your girls will enjoy but it does involve chocolate...

Let me know what you think!


4:20 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Nice Dye work!

I love it.

Gardening is great, I can't wait to get mine going! Herbs and flowers together are the best.

12:11 PM  
Blogger e said...

Beautiful colors! What great dying you do!

I have also noticed what you're saying about the colors of cars. And I agree that it seems that "all" the cars in CA are white! What is up with that?

10:43 PM  

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