Wednesday, April 26, 2006

More spinning goodness...

I made a boo boo on the must have (knitting while entertaining guests), and not looking forward to frogging it. So here I am dyeing and spinning more..
BFL, 2 ply, about 63yds, dk to worsted weight. about 2.5 oz
I actually dyed about 4 oz of fiber but end up pulling off a lot of the orange. I did the hot pour method and got a lot of bright orange. I'm going to dye up some torquise and blend it with the orange. Hmm... I love orange yarn. So maybe I'll do that today. These are all done with the fiber reactive dyes.
Hey sis, I'm thinking about getting the lanaset dye set instead of ordering the jacquard acid dyes from dharma. I have 2 dye books (Color in Spinning and Twisted Sister's Sock book) that I love and they both use lanaset/sabreset dyes. So I thought I'd give that a try before ordering the acid dyes from dharma. I'll be ordering from sheep hollow btw.


Blogger Lori said...

Hi Angela,

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

There are gatherings! There's the Black Sheep Handweavers guild which
is both spinners and handweavers:

I haven't attended a meeting, but I have heard good things from a
couple of its members. Also, Carolina Homespun in SF has classes and
"spin ins" (where everyone brings their wheel to spin for the evening.
The spin ins happen the first Thursday of every month.

The Yarn & Rug Hut in Campbell
( also holds spinning

Those are the few I know about. Hope that helps!


9:41 AM  
Blogger Jennus Interruptus said...

I love the colours!

I'm going to have to order myself a copy of Color in Spinning. I keep hearing good things about it.

2:00 PM  

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