Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Looks like I have enough yarnfor Rogue.. Yay!! I made the sleeves an inch shorter and I have barely enough yarn left to put everything together. Its that close!! Thank you yarn goddess! I'm seaming the sleeves right now. But boy, do I hate doing this!! I'm reading tips on joining and its coming out great. Have I mentioned I hate doing this? I'm almost done with the second sleeve, but still have to attach the sleeves to the armholes.
I also picked up yarn for a pair of birthday socks for my sis. The cotton/wool yarn doesn't seem to have much give at all. What gives? The yarn is specifically made for making socks, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Still no pictures today.. I'll try and finish up Rogue and post a pic of the FO tomorrow. Hopefully.


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