More spinning...
I went to my spinning class last Friday. It was so-so. I didn't really learn that much. She just said yes, you're doing the right thing but need more practice. Umm, yes I know that already. I did try out her wheel which was fun and carded some wool.
Then on Sunday I went up to Carolina Homespun and learned a lot from Morgaine. I was there for 2 hours! I spun on the
Lendrum DT, Louet S51DT and the Louet S10DT
The three wheels feel about the same to me. I can treadle them all with ease. They don't seem to be fighting me. I prefer the looks of the Lendrum and the S51DT. Now that I have the pictures side by side, the two wheels look very similar. Intellectually, I prefer the Lendrum. It is a more versatile wheel, it folds up for travel and a lot of people really like the wheel. You know whats coming. My heart is pulling me toward the Louet. I don't know why. Maybe because I tend to like things that are less main stream (if you can call spinnning main stream. Although it is becoming very popular). I also like how it looks a little better than the Lendrum. Should I base my purchase on looks? Some say I should because I'll be looking at it for hours and hours. At this instant, I think I'll order the S51DT.
I also got a pair of Schadcht Handcarders, half a pound of corriedale blend and some dyed fleece (might not be able to use this for spinning). Then my box of roving arrived from Coopermoose
yesterday (1 lb of BFL and 1 lb of corriedale). Superfast shipping. I ordered on Thursday and it arrived Monday. So I'm swimming in fiber. I would like to dye it first before spinning.
On the knitting front, I finished the left front side of the must have. And started on the ribbing for the right side. Its progressing slowly because I'm spending a lot of time searching for spinning wheels on the internet.
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