Thursday, March 30, 2006

The spinning bug

Yes, I caught the spinning bug. I've been inspired by all the "knit spinners" (like Marnie's beautiful shawl and sweet georgia's gorgeous colorways) out there and finally took out my bosworth midi I got at Stitches West 2005, some pretty purple roving I got at the same time from carolina homespun, and voila:

I know, so its not that most even yarn. This is actually from day 2. Day 1's singles are even more uneven. Online I also found a new mag spindicity, videos from icanspin.
I'm taking a spinning class tomorrow night (one on one), hopefully all will go well. I have plans to drive up to carolina homespun on Sunday to check out some wheels (i.e. the Ashford Joy and the Lendrum double tread). Mind you, I've never been on a wheel yet! (not spinning wheels anyways, potter's wheels yes!) Oh, and I'm ordering some BFL and corriedale roving from coopermoose.


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